Calorie Watchers Support Group


Nutrition Evaluations

We have unique ways to understand how you are doing regarding your diet. You can either write 1-7 days of what you eat or take a picture with your phone or camera and bring it in to show us. See Nutrition Evaluation page for more details.


Our Program is different because we take in consideration other biomarkers besides body weight; we want to take into consideration your entire health.

Choose just one (body weight) or all, whatever you have time to do and want to do.

  1. 1.body weight

  2. 2.blood pressure-do it yourself with automated on site measuring blood pressure unit

  3. 3.waist circumference

  4. 4.abdomen fat thickness

  5. 5.aerobic capacity

  6. 6.know your number blood measures-cholesterol and blood sugar

2-6 are impacted by body weight

Informative Pamphlets

See How Your Trainer’s Eat

See how your trainers eat. Go to webpage for diet programs. Go to webpage for fat loss tips

Exercise Programs-FitTec can help you towards your goals

FitTec can help you with your exercise program.

Weekly Meetings

Informal back and forth questions and answers.

Calories Watchers is a healthy weight loss program which combines healthy dietary and exercise information with weekly measures and support meetings. Calorie Watchers goes beyond weigh ins, we also consider other important measures such as waist circumference, abdomen fat thickness as well blood pressure, blood lipids and sugar, and aerobic fitness as well as monitored activity. Similar to Weight Watcher's weekly meetings we will encourage confession of a food eating issues such as eating binges and "pigging out" downfalls. This absolves people from the burden of guilt allowing then to understand that it is ok to make mistakes and learn from them. We will also encourage testimonials where people are reminded of the effectiveness healthy weight loss plans. There will also be celebratory moments which will be inspiring to all who participate. We will start by taking your measures and then weekly weigh ins and 15-20 minute meetings will start thereafter.

Past Informative Talks

What do you want to learn.

Weekly Talks (15 minutes)-8 Talks

Go to Talks page.

1. Pick a diet Plan / How to design a Healthy Plate / Make an appointment for Bio-metrics

2. Pick an exercise Plan / Exercise and weight loss / My diet tips / Start keeping a log

3. Calories ins and outs / What are calories? Food instincts.

4. How to make yourself feel full. What are macro and micronutrients?

5. Portion Control. What are fats?

6. Reading food labels. What are carbs (includes fiber)?

7. Women and Weight Loss. What are proteins? Food addictions.

8. Fad Diets / Vitamins and minerals.

Other Topics:

• Why you should know your numbers (waist circumferences, ab skinfold, A1C)

• Supplements